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6. vlibTemplate

vlibTemplate is the main class which does 95% of the processing.

6.1. vlibTemplate()
6.2. newTemplate()
6.3. setVar()
6.4. unsetVar()
6.5. getVars()
6.6. getVar()
6.7. setContextVars()
6.8. setLoop()
6.9. setDbLoop()
6.10. newLoop()
6.11. addRow()
6.12. addLoop()
6.13. getLoop()
6.14. unsetLoop()
6.15. reset()
6.16. clearVars()
6.17. clearLoops()
6.18. clearAll()
6.19. unknownsExist()
6.20. unknowns()
6.21. getUnknowns()
6.22. setUnknowns()
6.23. setPath()
6.24. getParseTime()
6.25. fastPrint()
6.26. pparse()
6.27. pprint()
6.28. grab()