Author Topic: Customize error message  (Read 726 times)

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  • Guest
Customize error message
on: Fri, 18. April 2003 - 11:21:11
Hi all,

I need to customize my error message in vLIBMimeMail.

When an email message contain invalid to address (from autoCheck function) I obtain an error message like this:

Code: [Select]
Fatal error vlibMimeMail error Email address To [email protected] not valid. in /home/www/vLIB_3-0-10/vlibMimeMail/error.php on line 66 I've tried to add some html code in error.php but the message is displayed under my code.

Have you a resolution to this problem?


  • Guest
Customize error message
Reply #1 on: Sun, 20. April 2003 - 21:21:47
If you wish to add html to your error messages you must put the html either within the array which holds the message, or in the trigger_error function call to affect all errors for vlibMimeMail.

