Yes, no problem. Here it is, except I've changed all the email addresses to avoid spam. And the absolute path.
include "vlib/vlibMimeMail.php";
$htmlbody = "<html>
Hello test!...
$mail = new vlibMimeMail; // create the mail
[email protected]', 'Martin Brampton');
[email protected]', 'Martin Brampton');
$mail->subject("Vlib mail sending");
$mail->body("Hello test!... in plain text"); // set the body in plain text
// $mail->htmlBody($htmlbody); // set the body in html format
[email protected]", 'Martin at Black Sheep Research');
[email protected]", 'Martin Lists mailbox');
$mail->priority(3); // set the priority to Highest
$mail->attach("/home/splod/http/configuration.php"); // attach a file
$mail->send(); // send the mail
print("Message sent:<pre>".$mail->get()."</pre>");