Author Topic: license compatibility  (Read 2184 times)

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license compatibility
on: Tue, 10. December 2002 - 22:50:55
Like many developers, I like to work with the GPL. I write a CMS system that I release into the world under the GPL and I want to use vlibTemplate to make the site more extensible. So what I want to know is how compatible your license is with the GPL and just how I might go about releasing my code under the GPL with your code included, or if I would have to say "here is my code, go get this code in order to make it work." Thanks.


  • Guest
license compatibility
Reply #1 on: Tue, 10. December 2002 - 23:33:01
You can use vLIB and any of it's classes as you wish.
There are 2 main requirements that the license demands:
    1. You leave any copyright notice in tact in each php file.[/li]
    2. If you make any changes, you send the changes to us so that we can consider whether to make the same changes to the distribution or not[/li]

That's it. In a one liner; if you're gonna change anything then please let us know, if not, then just leave the files as they are.

I hope this clears up the licensing issue.




  • Guest
license compatibility
Reply #2 on: Tue, 10. December 2002 - 23:37:13
That's easy enough. Who should I mail them to, you? Also, this is more of a rhetorical question than anything else, what if the owner of the project was awol. How would I send the changes to him or her?

You probably won't use my changes. All I did was move the cache.php, debug.php, error.php, and vlibTemplate_debugmod.html file out of the subfolder and then modify the file paths in the respective files so that they could be found again.


  • Guest
license compatibility
Reply #3 on: Wed, 11. December 2002 - 02:44:37
I also added an @ before $GLOBALS in line 286 of vlibTemplate.php so as to suppress errors created from the non-existence of the QUERY_STRING variable.


  • Guest
license compatibility
Reply #4 on: Wed, 11. December 2002 - 10:55:04
You can email the changes to [email protected]. If the nobody picks up the email, it's not your fault.

As for the changes you made, I'm going to implement the @$GLOBALS one for the next release, as this was a bug.

Many thanks,
