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6. vlibDate

vlibDate is the name of the class that you will be using. Unlike vlibTemplate, this is the only class that you'll need to know about as it gives you all of the functionality that you're looking for.

6.1. vlibDate()
6.2. formatDate()
6.3. getMonthFullname()
6.4. getMonthAbbrname()
6.5. getWeekdayFullname()
6.6. getWeekdayAbbrname()
6.7. now()
6.8. getSuffix()
6.9. mkTimestamp()
6.10. fromUnixTime()
6.11. setLang()
6.12. addInterval()
6.13. subInterval()
6.14. nextDay()
6.15. prevDay()
6.16. isFutureDate()
6.17. isPastDate()
6.18. isDate()
6.19. isLeapYear()
6.20. dayOfWeek()
6.21. weekOfYear()
6.22. julianDate()
6.23. quarterOfYear()
6.24. getLongYear()
6.25. diffInDays()
6.26. daysInMonth()
6.27. dateToDays()
6.28. encodeDate()
6.29. daysToDate()
6.30. decodeDate()
6.31. getYear()
6.32. getMonth()
6.33. getDay()