vlibDate: Quick reference, function list and documentation

Authors: Kelvin Jones and Claus van Beek

Overview (german): vLIB Übersicht

Tutorial (german): Tutorial und Beispiele für "vlibTemplate"

Forum: vLIB support


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Table of Contents
1. Synopsis
2. Description
3. Motivation
4. Supported Languages
5. Important (inc. formatting)
6. vlibDate
6.1. vlibDate()
6.2. formatDate()
6.3. getMonthFullname()
6.4. getMonthAbbrname()
6.5. getWeekdayFullname()
6.6. getWeekdayAbbrname()
6.7. now()
6.8. getSuffix()
6.9. mkTimestamp()
6.10. fromUnixTime()
6.11. setLang()
6.12. addInterval()
6.13. subInterval()
6.14. nextDay()
6.15. prevDay()
6.16. isFutureDate()
6.17. isPastDate()
6.18. isDate()
6.19. isLeapYear()
6.20. dayOfWeek()
6.21. weekOfYear()
6.22. julianDate()
6.23. quarterOfYear()
6.24. getLongYear()
6.25. diffInDays()
6.26. daysInMonth()
6.27. dateToDays()
6.28. encodeDate()
6.29. daysToDate()
6.30. decodeDate()
6.31. getYear()
6.32. getMonth()
6.33. getDay()
7. Bugs
8. Download
9. License
10. Install