This post describes
PEBKAU (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And User)
(or was it PEBKAC ... C = Chair???)
However if you encounter:
Fatal error: vlibTemplate Error: Parse error!
To debug this file, use vlibTemplateDebug instead of vlibTemplate in the class instantiation(i.e. new vlibTemplateDebug). in /usr/local/www/htdocs/vLib/vlibTemplate/error.php on line 84
it could be
tmpl_loop name='tr'
tdtmpl_var name='name'/td
tdtmpl_var name='city'/td
tmpl_loop // wrong
if your template variables are not set ...
it could be
=> {tmpl_var_name='name'} // wrong
instead of
{tmpl_var name='name'} // right
Explanation: I lead a training in Templating (with vlibTemplate).
I never imagined what people can do wrong.
In Germany we use to say:
"A person, who can read, has an advantage."
A collegue of mine (participating in the training) said: "It's too complicated."
I just thought: "No, you're too stupid." (He made both mistakes twice! :evil: .)
Best regards,
@Kelvin: Now I know what happens if Frontpage-Users meet vlibTemplate.
*crying, tears, throwing my head against the wall*