Author Topic: Non-existant class: vlibmimemail  (Read 824 times)

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Non-existant class: vlibmimemail
on: Mon, 06. May 2002 - 20:24:00

Im trying to get vlibmimemail to work for the first time on my site ( Ive uploaded all files from the vlib download to my web server. Ive incorporated example1.php into my "email" file. However, Im getting the following error:

Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vlibmimemail in /home/jimvford/public_html/vlib_contact2.php on line 39
Can anyone help? Thank you so much. -- Jim
Last Edit: Wed, 19. December 2007 - 13:57:57 by ClausVB


  • Guest
Non-existant class: vlibmimemail
Reply #1 on: Tue, 07. May 2002 - 11:06:00
Did you remember to include_once the vlibMimeMail.php file?
i.e. include_once (vLIB/vlibMimeMail.php);

If you have copied the code directly from example1.php then perhaps you forgot to amend the include_once statement to point at the correct folder.

If the include_once looks correct then please copy and paste the php file into the forum.

Last Edit: Wed, 19. December 2007 - 13:58:09 by ClausVB


  • Guest
Non-existant class: vlibmimemail
Reply #2 on: Wed, 07. August 2002 - 08:42:00
i get the foloing error

what is rong

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vlibmimemail in mail.php on line 4

Code: [Select]
include_once (vlibMimeMail.php);
$htmlbody "<html>n<body>nHello test!...nn</body>n</html>";
$mail = new vlibMimeMail// create the mail
$mail->to([email protected]Recipient 1);
$mail->from([email protected]paul);
$mail->subject("the subject of the mail");
$mail->body("Hello test!... in plain text"); // set the body in plain text
$mail->htmlBody($htmlbody); // set the body in html format
$mail->priority(1); // set the priority to Highest

// attach word doc 

$mail->send(); // send the mail
print("Message sent:<pre>".$mail->get()."</pre>");
**end mail.php

can you help me
Last Edit: Wed, 19. December 2007 - 13:58:46 by ClausVB