That it will stay an optional feature is a good idea.
And to cache the templates is brilliant, so it will not be as slow as I thought. Perhaps it is not slower at all.
But imho the whole feature is not necesarry to please one, two or five users. If 10 or 20 would ask for it I would do it.
It totally Kelvin's decision, because he has to figure it out, to program it. All I want to say: What is the benefit?
- phpMyAdmin => every german provider I know offers a feature to access files directly. I think there are PHP scripts which offer that feature.
- @zyBRA: Quote releasedj: "The example you gave isn't really an issue with vlibTemplate" I agree. What you told us sounds a little bit like a CMS problem. "No access to the template, but to some tmpl-tags."
Perhaps I am too stupid to understand this, but in my humble opinion this feature is not worth programming it.
I always had problems with templates stored in a DB. Not to mention people who have only a 5 MB MySQL database. 250k templates and a large user forum could mean: 5000 posts less capacity. I never tried GZIP compression, though.
I have to admit, that I understand, why some boards are using it: If you have more than 250 templates (like wbb="woltlab burning board"), which are about 350 bytes it takes forever to copy them via ftp.
But imho the wbb tmpl structure is not very fortunate.
But I leave this decision to Kelvin.