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listguestbook.php ?php // include the vlibTemplate class include'../vlib/vlibTemplate.php'; // make $tmpl an object of vlibTemplate $tmpl = new vlibTemplate'listguestbook.html'; //Klasse für DB Handing include_once ez_sql.php; $gb_results = $db-get_resultsSELECT id,name,email,topic,message,DATE_FORMATposttime,'%e.%c.%Y %H%i' as dateformated FROM guestbook ORDER BY ID DESC; $tmpl-setdbloop'GB_TABLE', $gb_results; $tmpl-pparse; ?
listguestbook.html relevanter bereich TMPL_LOOP name='GB_TABLE' table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=#080808 align=center width=70% tr td bgcolor=#A2A2A2 bTMPL_VAR name='id'/b | TMPL_VAR name='name' /td td bgcolor=#A2A2A2 TMPL_VAR name='topic' /td /tr /tr td bgcolor=#A2A2A2 colspan=2 TMPL_VAR name ='message' /td /tr tr td bgcolor=#A2A2A2 colspan=2 align=right TMPL_VAR name='dateformated' | !--a href=mailtoTMPL_VAR name='email'TMPL_VAR name='email'/a-- /td /tr /table br /br / /TMPL_LOOP