Author Topic: Performance  (Read 1002 times)

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on: Thu, 10. October 2002 - 11:49:28
Hi, how fast is vLibTemplate compared to FastTemplate? I'm currently using FastTemplate, but may switch to another templating system soon if it's worth it...


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Reply #1 on: Fri, 11. October 2002 - 11:07:45

I've compiled a template benchmark test, allowing for you to compare the most popular template solutions.

vlibTemplate, in my opinion, fares very well against them, usually in the top 2 or 3 and also the most consistent performer.
This doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement, and I'm always striving to grind out every bit of performance.

Remember that all the template classes have been geared towards different goals, some may perform better at some tests than at others. But that's what's great about having the choice.
I'm not going to try to prevent people from using other classes as maybe they suit certain peoples needs more than vlibTemplate. However vlibTemplate is geared towards simplicity with power. It's a template class with a small learning curve, yet it still has a very powerful feature set.

The benchmarks can be found here: /benchmarks/

I hope this helps.




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Reply #2 on: Sat, 12. October 2002 - 01:53:56
Thanks :)

Seems phemplate, Smarty and vlibTemplate are the fastest ones...since heyes class fails in the loop benchmark...

Will have a closer look at all 3 of them to see what will suit me best :)


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Reply #3 on: Sat, 12. October 2002 - 11:04:01
If I were you, I would shy away from phemplate. Because it parses through the file for the same amount of variables you set in the php file.

So if you set 300, variables in your php file, it will parse through your template 300 times.

That means that the time it takes to parse the file is variable depending on the amount of variable you set, and the size of your template.

This is not the case with vlibTemplate and Smarty as they both cache the compiled template.



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Reply #4 on: Mon, 14. October 2002 - 13:28:18
I'm currently using FastTemplate, ...

FastTemplate seems to be the slowest:

PHPLib Integrated Template   4.13s (100.00%)
PHPLib Template   4.77s (115.58%)
XTemplate   8.94s (216.73%)
FastTemplate   9.78s (237.08%)

I will do this test with vlibTemplate in the future and post the info here.