Well im trying to include a webpage (thats located in my folder (so its on my website).
Now, if i use iframe i only see like 200 pixels (if i set height to 100%) (but think its my themplate (that is not vLIB but just php ....).
But if i use include() to show the file, i cant do it in the vLIB.
So is there a way to use include or iframe so if i set 100% i see my hole webpage (becuase i dont want to see a scrollbar 2 times ..) (maybe i need to take a look at my webpage (its
http://pfn.sourceforge.net/; PHPfileNavigator v2) but its in spannish, if you know a other script who has the traffic counter feature, i could use that one so i dont have any problem at iframe)
Greets V3n