Author Topic: different behaviour between and 4.1.0  (Read 1387 times)

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different behaviour between and 4.1.0
on: Sun, 05. August 2007 - 16:35:02
I just realized that any variables that are not substituted in my vlib-templates are now (4.1.0) printed in html with their full syntax so lets say I have

<input type="text" name="username" value="{tmpl_var name=username}/>

and I do NOT substitute username with a value in my controller then I get the following output in my browser:

{tmpl_var name=username}

This was NOT the case in the prior version ( It would print NOTHING which was very convenient.
Now I have to substitute all insiginificant variables with an empty value so nothing gets printed which complicates things a lot.
Was this intended?

greets, getagrip

Offline ClausVB

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Re: different behaviour between and 4.1.0
Reply #1 on: Mon, 06. August 2007 - 13:23:06
All your posts will be closed until you get a username, which is not violating against the rules.

"You have to use a part of your REAL NAME (e.g. John Doe = "JohnD" or "john.doe") for registration. You have to use a valid mail adress, which is similar to your account name ("[email protected]"). If you do not follow theses rules your account will be DELETED."

"getagrip" is not a real name.